New development version of Synfig Studio is available for download now! This version includes updated UI translations and last-minute stability fixes for upcoming stable release 1.4.0. Much thanks to everyone who found time to test previous development version and report issues to us!

List of changes:

  • Fixed nasty stability issue which was leading to frequent crashes during switching tools.
  • Background rendering now turned off by default (see relevant discussion here).
  • Fixed bug with backup files not discarded properly (issue #1140).
  • Fixed bug with empty floating windows appearing after workspace switching (issue #1143).

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The ongoing work on development of Synfig is made possible thanks to many people who supported Synfig development with contributions through Download page, Patreon and  Bountysource platform. Much thanks to everyone who supporting our development efforts!


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Fred

    Konstantin, combine Synfig with Opentoonz…?…!

  2. Bielan

    Obrigado pelo empenho, poderia ter boleto para pagamento gostaria de contribuir mas só com cartão ou PayPal é difícil, no Brasil temos taxas abusivas para comprar internacionais, e a inflação é terrível U$ 1,00 -> R$ 5,03.

    1. Konstantin Dmitriev

      Hi Bielan! We appreciate your willing to donate, but unfortunately we cannot provide other payment methods at the moment. In any case, you can always download for free – just enter “0” *zero) on download page or use this link – ^__^

  3. jim

    I rarely use SYnFig now due to being too bust in real life stuff, but love it. How/where can I send some donation? I am always happy to support the efforts of those that try to make things better and interesting.

  4. Joachin

    Thats a very nice work via this last release…

  5. Joachin

    but sometimes closed on its own when you clicks on the yellow point to edit when using spline tool

    1. Konstantin Dmitriev

      Hi! Can you please record a video of your screen to show this issue?

  6. Jhovanny

    I still wating a video background option, some people thing this option open more posibilities for this program, we don’t need move, rotate, etc the video. We just need to see it for reference to make animations over “real word” (video) like Roger Rabbit movie. With this option meaby the program become a basic after effects open source option… please make that!

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