Synfig Studio 1.0
a new frontier for open-source 2D animation software
Completely reworked UI
The user interface was completely reworked for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
Enjoy the Single-Window mode, powered by the modern GTK3 libraries!
Use the full-featured bone system to create cutout animation using bitmap images or control your vector artwork.
Advanced image distortion
Apply complex deformations to your bitmap artwork using the new Skeleton Distortion layer.
Cutout Tool
Cut your bitmap images right in the Synfig! The new Cutout Tool provides the non-destructive editing, so you never have to worry about cutting a wrong part.
Sound support
The new Sound Layer provides basic features for syncing your animation with soundtrack.
Linux users can get all benefits of full-featured audio editors through the JACK integration.
Dynamics animations
Enhance your animation with automatic friction effects using the new Dynamics converter.
More for the future
Check out the experimental features, that lay a foundation for the further growing of Synfig:
- New SFG file format with the possibility to embed all linked media.
- Image painting engine with MyPaint brushes.
- Preliminary support for frame-by-frame animation.